Friday, February 22, 2013

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 24 - Online Learning

---Academic Vocabulary Words: ----AREA ----CLARIFY ----DIFFERENTIATE Online learning is not an effective way to learn. According to this website, Pros and Cons of Online School)it DIFFERENTIATES Not everyone has access to a computer in their homes, or their computer might not be equipped with the latest technologies, which conflicts with their online learning experience. Many online schools are still working on an AREA to build their technical support, so students may be on their own when attempting to troubleshoot problems. This shows that kids also have their technology. This also shows that some kids don't have their computers at home and if they do then their computers might not have the latest technologies which they would need for their online classes. However on this website it also states that kids although most online courses do have a discussion area where students are required to talk about CLARIFYING specific questions pertaining to that week’s lesson, this is done primarily through writing, making it more difficult to form lasting bonds. This shows that kids would never learn to know what it is or feels like to have a long lasting bind with a friend or peer. This also shows that kids will grow up to not have many friends.

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