Thursday, September 6, 2012

English 10 Academic Vocabulary Paragraph

You should  go to jail for harassing someone on a social networking site. One reason is because it can Affect someone by cyberbullying ad can sometimes be so dangerous it can even make some people commit suicide. It can also damage their privacy and their surroundings as well as how they live. It can not also affect them by just online social networking but by Texts as well. Anyone can just easily dial a random number and send something that nobody wants to see. It sometimes also depends on how people Maintain and control their privacy settings. Keeping your stuff private can affect not only you but friends that as well may not be on private settings. I think anyone should go to jail for harassing someone because as myself I would not want to be harassed by someone I have no idea who they are and because I would have to be cautious every day of who I talk to and who I'm friends with.


  1. Rossy you are right and heavy duty harassing is very dangerous and if this person is serious they should go to jail.

  2. Rossy you are right and heavy duty harassing is very dangerous and if this person is serious they should go to jail.
